Hi, my name's Michał, but most people call me balor.
It was 2012 when my dear friends bought me a great little camera with a fixed 35mm lens for christmas! Around nine months later I've met the love of my life.
On one date, after seeing some random pictures I've took with the small guy, She told me that I should do it more. And just like that, with the support from Her side, it wasn't very long when photography took over my life (and ruined my budget) :)
Professionally I'm a IT guy, specialized in the getting things done ideology. To achieve my goals I'm mainly using linux os and a python programming language.
- Get in touch
- [email protected]
- 500px.com/balor
- github.com/balor
- balor_san
Fuji X-PRO2, X-E2, X100T, 18/2, 23/1.4, 35/1.4, 56/1.2, 50-140/2.8
carried in Domke F-3X and Tenba DNA 13
and buckets of light measured with Sekonic L-358